C'est une télécommande, ça évite de chaque fois de devoir appuyer sur le bouton en facade. Suivant où est ta caméra c'est pratique. De plus t'as pas ta tronche sur chaque début de vidéo
Très pratique aussi, y a un affiche qui te donne l'état de la caméra
C'est une télécommande, ça évite de chaque fois de devoir appuyer sur le bouton en facade. Suivant où est ta caméra c'est pratique. De plus t'as pas ta tronche sur chaque début de vidéo
Très pratique aussi, y a un affiche qui te donne l'état de la caméra
"For the first time in the history of surfing, a set of 48 GoPro cameras were used to capture perspectives of two-time world champion surfer, Mick Fanning, doing what he does best in the warm waters of the South Pacific. Watch the video, here.
The GoPro array shows the capabilities of the famous water camera during Rip Curl's upcoming marketing campaign for its Mirage Boardshort. Tim and Callum Macmillan, pioneers of camera array photography, were the men in charge of the stunt.
"At GoPro we're always looking for new ways to use our cameras, new ways to leverage them to do something that's never been done before in digital imaging. As an example, GoPro is the first consumer camera company to enable people to combine multiple like-cameras together to form a new type of camera", says Nicholas Woodman founder and CEO of GoPro.
"We first did it with our 3D Hero System which allows you to combine two GoPro cameras together to form a 3D camera, and now we're experimenting with combining 48 cameras into a unique multi-camera array that enables entirely new forms of content capture", he adds.
"The results are stunning and it's another great example of how the HD HERO truly is the world's most versatile HD camera,".
After GoPro's much anticipated release of its 3D system in April, GoPro teamed up with two experts in the field of camera array systems and began experimenting and pushing the limits of its 3D Hero syncing technology. Tim and Callum Macmillan, endearingly known as The Brothers Slice, were challenged with creating a handheld underwater camera array system for the launch of Rip Curl's upcoming "Mirage" boardshort campaign.
"We are always looking to lead the way when it comes to camera array effects and identifying new ways to push the limits for creativity and to acquire unique shots," said Tim Macmillan of Time-Slice Films.
"We've been waiting for the ideal camera technology to come along to do the video array. It's like waiting for a wave. You see the wave coming, you start paddling before everyone else and then it hits you and it is GoPro."
The result was an astonishingly innovative development - the GoPro Array. The world's first video array, which could be submerged underwater, operated by one man, and withstand the enormous waves at Cloudbreak, Fiji."
Tu trouves encore sur le site anglais des réalisateurs quelques infos, je cite :
Action camera manufacturer GoPro -- the company responsible for the resilient HD Hero -- has released a video shot with a 48-camera waterproof array. The multi-perspective footage shows Australian pro surfer and two-time world champion Mick Fanning catching waves off the coast of Fiji.
Produced with the help of London-based array experts Tim and Callum MacMillan (aka The Brothers Slice) the HD film was made in association with Rip Curl. To create the footage, 48 waterproof cameras were mounted on a prototype array rig, linked together with a customised version of GoPro's 3D Hero System -- usually used to join two Hero cameras to create 3D images. This rig was then attached to a surf rider (which rides over waves, rather than on them) to capture Fanning in action.
Once shooting was completed the team stitched the gnarly frames together using GoPro's 3D post-production software. If you like the multi-perspective style, check GoPro's Youtube channel soon, as more videos featuring Rip Curl's sponsored surfers Owen Wright, Matt Wilkinson, Dillon Perillo and Dean Brady will be posted shortly.
Skip to around 30 seconds into the video above for the action… dude.
Mis à part... Le film est top
Canon a fait la même montage avec des 52 DSLR c'est le nouveau buzzzz
@ fat : avec quel logiciel à tu stabilisé ta vidéo? Le rendu est vraiement extra.
Perso mon problème n'est pas de fixer la caméra ou de filmer mais c'est réellement de trouver un soft pour pc pas trop gourmand en ressource et accèssible financièrement.
Pas évident de trouver quelque chose de simple et qui encode nos vidéos dans une qualité HD.
Je posède un Go-Pro HD1 depuis 3 ans, j'ai mis plus d'un an pour faire les premiers montages.
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